Queen Weaver Page 2
Boosheka: Come in, Bug. Where can I get some smoke? It’s just one of those days.
Junebug: Man, it’s going to cost you. It depend on what you willing to give for it.
Boosheka: Like what?
Junebug: I want them drawers. Remember what you say? Tyhomm don’t own you. Look at it like this, you get what you want, and I get what I want.
Boosheka: You better make it quick and do not be telling all my business.
Junebug: I won’t tell nobody if you don’t tell.
Chapter 18
Cuz: Tissa, how you doing? I am new here and I heard you are the lead cheerleader. You know, I will be wide receiver. Maybe you and some of your girlfriend can get together and show me around sometime. You know my cousin Eric.
Tissa: Yeah, I know your cousin, but I’m busy.
Cuz: Are you going to be at the first game?
Tissa: You just got here. You have a lot to learn in front of you if you want to make it.
Cuz: I am not looking for a date or nothing, never mind.
Tissa: You’re not my type anyway. I do not date brothers.
Cuz: Why you act like that? I see why my cuz says SASU. I will see you later.
Chapter 19
Onca: Hello.
Dark Chocolate: Hey, Onca girl.
Onca: Where my bestie been?
Dark Chocolate: I am on my way down to the bottom to grab me some new outfits. You know, management gave up that bonus, so I am going to get some new outfits.
Onca: Bring me back one of those, honey; I got you.
Dark Chocolate: You know you’re my girl, I am going to hook you up. I am going to get the works while I am down here. I got the hook up, my people take care of me. I am going to get lashes, nails, makeup, the works a whole lot cheaper than I would get up there. I will probably get about two more tats while I am down there. I will bring you the next time I come down.
Onca: Okay then.
Dark Chocolate: They been asking about you. What’s up? You not working no more?
Chapter 19-1/2
Onca: I am working on my music. I think I am on to something. Levi got me an appointment at the studio. I will drop you a line and keep you posted.
Dark Chocolate: Yeah, keep me posted. Better not forget where you come from either.
Chapter 20
Boosheka: Damn, Junebug. Man, you can’t keep coming around here all the time. People going to think we got something going on.
Junebug: I got a rap I want you to check out.
Boosheka: Boy, you cannot rap.
Junebug: Come on, check it out.
What going on in the hood, I wonder?
Hustlers hanging around trying to hit a number.
Chicks sitting around while doing their hair.
Better yet, some sitting around waiting for welfare.
One day I am going to blow up, then you are going to be joking.
Boosheka: Well, holla at me when you blow up.
Chapter 20-1/2
Charles Jr.: Auntie, it was not me. I was just hanging out, I did not steal nothing.
Dianne: Well, the school called. How was you hanging out and you suppose to be in school? Well guess what? They are sending you to alternative school because you miss too many days. This is the last chance, you’re going to have to finish. What did they say you stole?
Charles Jr.: Talking about some liquor. I did not steal no liquor. I always get somebody to buy my alcohol anyway.
Dianne: Why you drinking anyway? And why are you hanging around people that going to get you in trouble? What if they lock you up in detention?
Charles Jr.: I have to go to court next month. They are going to give me a public defender. I did not do it and I do not know what happened.
Dianne: You’re going to end up back in jail. Get it together or you are going to blow it.
Chapter 21
I just want the w
I just want the w – what
You think it play time and you think play time is me.
It don’t come easy and it do not come free.
I just want the w.
All my brown skin sist say we want the w.
All my white skin sister say we want the w.
All my up top sisters say we want the w.
All my down south sista say we want the w.
All my midwest sista say we want the w.
Women w winning.
Levi: Okay, okay, relax. That’s dope. I see where we are going with this. You got the high alto thing going, not bad. Man, Onca now Ontow; that what they going to be calling you, Ontow-on top of the world. So, let work on getting this single out, Women with Winning, and a video, and then we will go from there.
Chapter 22
Management: I got some outside entertainers coming. Kind of mix the vibe up a little for the audience. So, I need you to show the girls around a little bit, make them at home.
Dark Chocolate: What are their names?
Management: You got Peaches, Porsha, White Gold. Mix it up a little bit, might steal your spot.
Dark Chocolate: There you go with them jokes. Without me you would be working them poles yourself to keep from going out of business.
Management: Let’s hope it does not come to that. I thought about doing a slinger club for women, but I figured why try to compete with the toy store? That probably what I should have invested in.
Chapter 23
Cuz: That must been Sugar Cane, I mean that must have been your boyfriend I heard about.
Tissa: Yeah, that’s Todd, but anyway, that another story. What are you going to do on that field tonight?
Cuz: You already know I am going to show out like a brand new pair of shoes on the first day. You just get ready to cheer for your boy.
This is your last year, what you going to do afterwards?
Tissa: I do not know, I might do some professional cheerleading. I’ll figure it out when the time come.
Cuz: The game is getting ready to start, I’ll see you.
You see that number 19 go for 55-yard touchdown? As the crowd go wild, that touchdown may have been the Cannons, who are down by eight with a minute and seconds left, out of reach.
Chapter 24
Lawyer: You facing 18 months in juvenile detention and two years probation. So, what happened?
Charles Jr.: We was hanging out on the corner when the police pulled up and asked me to come over to the patrol car and then search me and put me in handcuffs in the car. They said the store had called emergency saying that they identified me as the person they seen stealing some beer.
Lawyer: We will talk to the DA, and she said since you do not have a record, she will give you one year juvie, one year probation.
Charles Jr.: But I did not do it.
Lawyer: Who did?
Charles Jr.: I do not know, and I will not snitch.
Lawyer: If we take it to court it’s your word against theirs, but the most you’re looking at is 18 months in juvie.
Charles Jr.: Can I call a friend?
Lawyer: Sure, just call me or write me. I am just a call away.
Chapter 24-1/2
Charles Jr.: Janet, I talked to my lawyer and he said I am facing 18 months, but I can take a one year plea.
Janet: If you can come home in a year and put this behind you because if you go to trial, you may get railroaded.
Charles Jr.: I’ll take the plea.
Chapter 25
Melody: I am going to hit the bingo tonight.
Pearl: Na’ll I am going to hit the bingo tonight. If you hit you need to buy some new panty hose ‘cause them are starting to run.
Melody: Where they running at?
Pearl: Look back there.
Melody: Oh shoot,
can’t be walking around with the runs.
Announcer: B2, E1, C18, D28, D14, I got B11, E2, E5.
Melody: Bingo, bingo!
Announcer: We have a bingo--E5, E2, B2, C18, D14. Since you won more than $300 we are going to write you a check. You can get $100 of the three for a $5 fee.
Melody: Yeah, give me that.
Pearl: Let play another card.
Melody: Let get up out of here.
Chapter 26
Corner Boy: A-yo G, where you from?
JB: Parkview
Corner Boy: What they call you?
JB: You know where I can get some smoke?
Corner Boy: Yeah, I got you right here. You do not look like 5.0, spark that smoke up, yo! Why they call you JB for?
JB: Jack Boy. Now, let me get that smoke and them rings and them chains. In case you want to find me, here is something to remember me by: POP.
Corner Boy: He shot me in the leg.
Corner Girl: You need an ambulance. I will go to the store and call; hang on.
911: What is your emergency?
Corner Girl: My friend been shot.
911: What is his name?
Corner Girl: Nathan.
911: Is he breathing?
Chapter 26-1/2
Corner Girl: Yeah, he was shot in the leg.
911: Okay, ambulance is on the way.
Corner Girl: Okay. Natt, ambulance is on the way.
Corner Boy: Damn, he rob me.
Chapter 27
Joe Bean: Boy, you did it. Pass me a swig of that drinky, drink, drink.
Oldie: Man, you just drive to the fishing hole. I told you I got you, man. Let me get a swig, man.
Joe Bean: Look in that glove compartment and hand me that fatback wrapped up in there.
Oldie: Joe, you ain’t going to give me a piece of that fatback.
Joe Bean: Pass that rock gut.
Oldie: Joe, you a bad man.
Joe Bean: Man, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until you hear some of these old school players I got.
Oldie: Woo-wee.
Joe Bean: Pass that brewski and give me my fatback, Jack.
Oldie: You the man, Joe.
Chapter 28
Wild Hound Dog: This is the Hound Dog, are you out there, Black Cat?
Black Cat: This is Cat, I am at the Stop and Shop Mart just east of Interstate 222.
Wild Hound Dog: I know where you at. I will be there about 25 minutes.
Chapter 29
John Boy: What’s going on, baby sis?
Onca: Nothing much. I been doing some recording. Go to 909, my jam is on now.
John Boy: That’s you? Who put you on?
Onca: I am working with a guy name Levi. What you been up to?
John Boy: Just got off work at the plant. What you got to drink in here? Why you did not have me nothing to drink before you left?
Onca: Pour your own trouble, I’m out.
John Boy: Where is that big butt friend of yours?
Onca: Who?
John Boy: Candle Sticks.
Onca: Do not know. I have not danced in a while. Why, what’s up? You looking for a girl?
John Boy: Nothing like that, just tell her I said what’s up.
Chapter 30
Emails and post sent out.
Master of Ceremony: Attention all areas, colleges, universities, others; this is your master of ceremony Madrika and I want to invite you all to the Spring Bike Fest hosted by yours truly, Madrika! The defending champs has something to say. You cannot win if you do not qualify and get in.
Performing her new song, Women with Winning, is your girl Onca. There will be chicken, wings…there will be all kinds of things to eat. Just be there, Spring Bike Fest.
Chapter 31
Wild Hound Dog: I thought you was black.
Black Cat: Every time I go up in the club brothers be like, you got a body like a black girl.
Wild Hound Dog: I am not even tripping ‘cause you look good. You be up in the clubs. So, you ever date outside of your race?
Black Cat: Sure, but nothing serious, you know. I stay on the road making that dollar. You cannot blame a sister, can you?
Wild Hound Dog: I like you already. Where you originally from?
Black Cat: I’m originally from the midwest but I have been running east coast routes. You?
Wild Hound Dog: Yeah, I live up north myself. Seem to me you need some aphrodisiac in your life. We should join together since we both on the east coast.
Black Cat: Maybe after I close out my contracts for this year we can do something.
Chapter 32
Cuz: So, I guess this year has come to an end. How you think I did? I did not do bad for a newbie on the scene.
Tissa: If you say so.
Cuz: I think I am going to enter the draft before the mandatory period starts next year. I do not want to wait because I been waiting long enough for this dream. But for now, I am going down to the Bike Fest and turn up for the home team. You going?
Tissa: Why should I?
Cuz: Because you SASU.
Tissa: Do not be calling me stuck-up, crazy.
Chapter 33
Charles Jr.: You have a call. You will not be charged for this call. You have a collect call from Charles Jr. Press one to receive this call.
Janet: You may go ahead. Hey, babe, my dude is in detention. You miss me?
Charles Jr.: Do I miss you? Man, I am horny as a mug. I am never coming back again.
Janet: You better hit the shower.
Charles Jr.: Oh, you got jokes. They say I can be home on release in a year for good behavior. What they say about college?
Janet: I been accepted at three universities. Hey, I missed my period, I think I am pregnant.
Charles Jr.: Oh man, for real?
Janet: No, for play.
Charles Jr.: Oh shoot, I love you.
Janet: I love you too.
Charles Jr.: I will call you later. Be good.
Chapter 34
Meanwhile at Cathy Styling Groom.
Booshale: You want to wear the matching cat suits to the cookout tomorrow?
Boosheka: You know how we do with the matches and the queen’s famous honey blond weave. That what we are rocking tomorrow, the honey blonde weave, full extensions.
Dianne: I need to see Cathy. I need to get my perm ready too. Them two sisters can kiss my ass. Alright sweeties, don’t tire Cathy out now.
Chapter 35
Master of Ceremony: This what all you freaks been waiting for—bike weekend. Let’s see what champs have to say about this. But first, as Madrika promised, Madrika delivers it, yours truly performing her new single, Women with Winning. Welcome, clap, scream, it’s your girl Onca.
Onca: I just want the W, I just want the what. All my sister say we want the W.
Madrika: Man, she killed it. Now taking the lane is your champion step team from the University of Arts New Lina.
Corner Boy: Yo! There go that guy who shot me. He do not even see me.
Peeps: What you going to do?
Corner Boy: I am going to blast that sucker. Hey cool, you do not even remember me, do you? You thought it was over; pow, pow, pow, pow, pow.
Madrika: Oh shit, they shooting. Everybody go, they shooting.
Chapter 36
Meanwhile, back in the lowdown.
Pearl: I put both feet in that barbecue rib sauce.
Melody: Well, if it’s that good might be good enough for fourths.
Pearl: I literally step on all the ribs to tenderize them.
Melody: You step on the ribs for real?
Pearl: Girl, you crazy. We should make a potato salad right quick. You got that fish and dish ready?
Melody: Sur
Pearl: Look who’s here, my oldest brother.
Oldie: Where the food at?
Pearl: Everybody, wash your hands, and the food is in the back.
Oldie: What you mean everybody? I’m the only one right here.
Pearl: I mean you too.
Oldie: Where is Suzy Mae? She is in the back, see her over there talking to Joe Bean?
Chapter 36-1/2
Oldie: Joe Bean, you getting some of Suzy Mae butter beans too?
Joe Bean: You didn’t know I love me some Suzy Mae butter beans? Man, I been getting that butter bean for years.
Oldie: Suzy Mae, you been giving that butter bean up like that? I thought you made them special for me.
Suzy Mae: There is plenty butter bean to go around. Y’all just chill.
Melody: You can tell this is a cookout, everybody here. You think we have enough food?
Pearl: We will be alright. If not, try again next year.
Everybody here: Dianne, Cathy, Kenneth, Junebug, Rico, everybody young and old.
Rochelle: I told you all of them would be here, now you will see. Just ask him is it true?
Carly: Yeah, I’m with you.
Chapter 37
Carmen: Rick, what going, huh? Is it true what you doing, taking Boosheka home from the club? What wrong with you?
Boosheka: Tell her, Rick. Yeah, I had your man.
Tyhomm: You did what! What you mean?
Boosheka: Tyhomm, we been broke up, so do not trip.
Tyhomm: Yeah, but not with my dog. You sleep with my dog, man.